
Benefits of Dividends - safety and reliability of dividends

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Dividends in the Share Market

What is Dividend in Share Market? Dividends, in the realm of the share market, represent a portion of a company’s earnings, which is decided by the board of directors and distributed to its shareholders. This distribution is usually in the form of money, but can also be in the form of additional shares or other […]

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SWP in Mutual Fund

Unlocking the Mysteries of SWP in Mutual Fund

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) is a financial tool allowing mutual fund investors to withdraw a specified amount regularly, be it monthly, quarterly, or annually. This offers a structured way to get a consistent return on your investments. Origins of SWP in the Investment World Historically, investors looking for regular income from their investments had limited

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Insights on the Expense Ratio in Mutual Funds

7 Insights on the Expense Ratio in Mutual Funds You Probably Didn’t Know

The expense ratio in a mutual fund is the heart of understanding investment costs. While everyone dreams of expanding their wealth by investing in mutual funds, not everyone is aware of the expense ratio’s role in the process. This silent player can either boost or hinder the growth of your investments. In this guide, we’ll

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Guide to Mastering Option Trading Indicators

The 101 Guide to Mastering Option Trading Indicators

Options trading is a whirlwind of numbers, strategies, and decisions. At its core, options offer the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an asset. But how do traders navigate this complex world? Enter: indicators. Option Trading Indicators In the grand chessboard of trading, indicators are your knights and bishops. They signal potential

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what is hedging in option trading

What is hedging in option trading : Is it right for you in 2023 ?

Hedging, in finance, can often feel like buying insurance for your portfolio. It acts as a shield, protecting your investment from unexpected market movements. But, when combined with options trading, it transforms into a sophisticated tool that not only protects but often enhances the performance of your investments. Basics of Option Trading Options provide the

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