Mutual Fund

AMC in Mutual Fund

Unfold the world of mutual fund : What is an AMC in mutual funds?

Investing in your future can feel like navigating a complex maze. With countless options and unfamiliar terms, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But fear not, for within the realm of mutual funds lies a guiding light: the Asset Management Company (AMC). What is an AMC in mutual funds? In short, it’s the engine behind your

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Debunk the Mystery: What is Debt Mutual Fund?

Investing can be a daunting task, especially when navigating the diverse landscape of financial instruments. Debt mutual funds often emerge as a viable option for those seeking stability and income. But what exactly are debt mutual funds? Let’s demystify this investment avenue and equip you with the knowledge to make informed choices. What is a

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What is Exit Load in Mutual Funds

What is Exit Load in Mutual Funds? Understanding Early Redemption Fees

Navigating the world of mutual funds can be an exciting yet daunting experience. While the potential for long-term wealth creation is enticing, understanding the intricacies of various fees and charges is crucial for making informed investment decisions. One such charge, often encountered when prematurely exiting a fund, is the exit load. But what exactly is

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calculating XIRR in mutual fund

7 Reasons You Must Know XIRR in Mutual Fund – Elevate Your Investment Game!

What is XIRR in Mutual Fund? XIRR, or Extended Internal Rate of Return, acts as a beacon in the vast sea of mutual funds. It measures the return on investments, especially where there are multiple transactions involved. By evaluating the XIRR, an investor can discern the actual growth rate of their mutual fund investments. The

7 Reasons You Must Know XIRR in Mutual Fund – Elevate Your Investment Game! Read More »

SWP in Mutual Fund

Unlocking the Mysteries of SWP in Mutual Fund

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) is a financial tool allowing mutual fund investors to withdraw a specified amount regularly, be it monthly, quarterly, or annually. This offers a structured way to get a consistent return on your investments. Origins of SWP in the Investment World Historically, investors looking for regular income from their investments had limited

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Insights on the Expense Ratio in Mutual Funds

7 Insights on the Expense Ratio in Mutual Funds You Probably Didn’t Know

The expense ratio in a mutual fund is the heart of understanding investment costs. While everyone dreams of expanding their wealth by investing in mutual funds, not everyone is aware of the expense ratio’s role in the process. This silent player can either boost or hinder the growth of your investments. In this guide, we’ll

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