Unveiling the Acronym : What is ELSS Mutual Fund?

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Ever heard of ELSS mutual funds but confused by the acronym? Fear not, this guide is here to break it down for you.

ELSS stands for Equity Linked Savings Scheme, which means funds that invest in stocks and are tax exempt under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

So, let’s get started and uncover the secret in your tax saving arsenal and create wealth with reduced taxes.

Why an ELSS Might Be Your Tax-Saving Secret Weapon

Let’s be honest, saving taxes is everyone’s goal. But traditional options like fixed deposits give you meager returns, barely beating inflation.

ELSS is a game changer. By investing in equities, it gives you the potential to earn much more than other tax-saving instruments in the long run.

And the best part: you can deduct up to ₹1.5 lakh from your taxable income for your ELSS investments! That’s a no-brainer.

Understanding the Core of ELSS:

Now, let’s go deeper into the anatomy of an ELSS.

Investment Style : the Equity Focus

ELSS invests primarily in equities (stocks) of companies across various sectors. Equity means higher returns but also market risk. Remember, higher growth means short-term volatility.

Diversification: Spreading Across Multiple Sectors

To reduce risk, ELSS funds invest across sectors and market capitalization (large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap). That’s diversification and it balances risk and reward so your portfolio isn’t concentrated in one company or sector.

Lock-in Period: A Commitment for Growth

While some tax-saving options give you immediate access, ELSS has a 3-year lock-in period. That seems restrictive but it’s for a reason. It’s to encourage long-term investing, which is what equity markets are all about – patience and a long-term view is key to getting the best returns.

Unveiling the Benefits of ELSS:

Now, let’s get to the good stuff: why ELSS should be in your investment basket.

Tax Benefits: Save Taxes, Grow Wealth

As we mentioned earlier, ELSS is eligible for a tax deduction of ₹1.5 lakh under Section 80C. That means tax savings right away and more money in your pocket. But that’s not all! The returns on your ELSS investment are tax-free for long-term capital gains if held for more than 3 years.

Higher Returns: Leverage Equity’s Power

Compared to traditional tax-saving options, ELSS offers much higher returns. By investing in equity, you get exposure to growth across sectors and potentially beat fixed income instruments in the long run. Higher returns come with higher volatility, so be careful and manage risk.

Liquidity After 3 Years: Get Your Money When You Need

The 3-year lock-in period seems restrictive, but it’s only for the first amount invested. After 3 years, you get partial liquidity and can withdraw if needed. That’s your money when you need it for emergencies or changing goals.

Choosing the Right ELSS for You:

Finding the right ELSS is like finding the perfect shoes. It has to fit your individual needs and comfort level. Here’s how to make an informed choice:

Risk Tolerance: Your Comfort Zone

Before you begin, honestly ask yourself how much risk are you comfortable with. Are you okay with market fluctuations and short term dips for higher returns? If stability is your top priority then large cap ELSS might be the way to go. If you are comfortable with some volatility for higher growth then mid cap or flexi cap might be the option. Remember higher returns come with higher risk.

Investment Goals: Your Objectives

What are you investing for? Are you saving for retirement, a child’s education or a down payment on a house? Different ELSS types are for different time horizons and risk-return profiles. If your goals are long term (10+ years) then you can consider higher risk options like small cap ELSS for higher returns. For shorter term goals (5-7 years) large cap or balanced ELSS might be the way to go.

Time Horizon: Your Investment Tenure

Don’t let the 3 year lock in period scare you; it’s meant to encourage long term investing which is essential for equity growth. Match your ELSS with your investment tenure. Go for longer lock in period if your goals are far off so you can ride out the market fluctuations and benefit from compounding.

Investing in ELSS: A Step-by-Step Guide:

Now that you know, let’s get to the nitty gritties of investing in ELSS:

Choosing a Platform:

Pick a reliable platform like a top mutual fund house or online investment portal. Consider the platform’s reliability, user friendliness and customer service before you decide.

Fund Costs and Charges:

Every ELSS fund has some charges like expense ratio and entry/exit loads. Evaluate these costs carefully and how they impact your returns. Go for funds with lowest fee structure to maximize your gains.

SIP or Lump Sum Investment:

You can invest in ELSS through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs), where you invest a fixed amount regularly or through lump sum investments. SIPs help you invest disciplined and average out market volatility, while lump sums give you immediate exposure to the market. Choose the way that suits your investment strategy and budget.

Track Your Portfolio:

Don’t set-and-forget your ELSS investments. Monitor your portfolio performance, track its alignment with your goals and rebalance if required. Remember long term investing doesn’t mean passive investing. Stay updated on market trends and your chosen fund’s performance.

Important Considerations for ELSS Investors:

While ELSS offers immense potential, remember these crucial points:

Market Volatility: Ups and Downs

Markets are volatile, they go up and down. Don’t panic during short term dips, stay focused on your long term goals and ride out the fluctuations. Remember patience is key to harvesting the fruits of equity investing.

Patience is Key: Long Term Perspective Matters

ELSS works in the long run. Don’t expect overnight riches; commit to a long term investment horizon (5+ years) to see the power of compounding returns and navigate the market cycles.

Consult a Professional: Get Personalized Advice

This guide is helpful but consult a financial advisor for personalized advice based on your specific situation and risk profile. He can help you choose the right ELSS funds and create a plan for you.

ELSS vs. Other Tax-Saving Options:

Now, let’s compare ELSS to other popular tax-saving options:


  • Guaranteed returns: Offers fixed, risk-free returns but lower than potential ELSS returns.
  • Lower flexibility: 15 year lock-in period vs 3 years for ELSS.


  • Insurance and investment combined: Provides life insurance coverage along with investment but with higher costs and complexity.
  • Transparency issues: Fund charges and returns can be less transparent than ELSS.


  • Retirement planning : Primarily for retirement planning with long lock-in period (till retirement).
  • Limited flexibility: Offers limited withdrawal options compared to ELSS.

Advanced ELSS Strategies:

For seasoned investors, here are some advanced strategies to consider:

Portfolio Rebalancing:

Rebalance your portfolio periodically to maintain your desired asset allocation and risk. As your risk appetite changes or market conditions change, adjust your portfolio to match your goals.

Tax Harvesting:

If you have held your ELSS investments for more than 3 years, you can use tax harvesting to optimize your tax benefits. This means selling units in high performing funds to book long term capital gains (taxed at 10%) and then buying them back to maintain your overall exposure. This helps you manage your tax liability while staying invested for the long term.

Common Myths and Misconceptions about ELSS:

The “Risky Investment” Myth:

ELSS does involve market volatility but it’s not inherently “risky”. By choosing ELSS based on your risk appetite and investing for the long term, you can manage risk and get the benefits of high returns. Remember all investments have some risk but with proper research and planning you can make informed decisions to manage that risk.

Lock-in Period Confusion:

The 3 year lock-in period is applicable only to the initial investment amount. After 3 years you get partial liquidity and can withdraw the funds if needed. This gives you flexibility and you are not completely locked in and can withdraw the money under certain circumstances.

Return Guarantees (or not):

ELSS does not offer guaranteed returns. Unlike fixed income options, equity markets are volatile and returns can move up and down. But by investing for the long term and choosing funds with good track record and experienced fund managers you can get positive returns over time.

FAQs about ELSS Investments:

Who can invest in ELSS?

Indian residents with a valid PAN card can invest in ELSS mutual funds.

What is the minimum investment amount?

The minimum investment amount varies depending on the chosen fund, but it can be as low as ₹500, making it accessible to a wide range of investors.

Can I withdraw my money before the lock-in period?

Partial withdrawals are allowed after 3 years, but early withdrawals before 3 years attract exit loads and impact your tax benefits.

How are ELSS returns taxed?

Long-term capital gains (LTCG) on ELSS investments held for over 3 years are taxed at 10%, making them tax-efficient compared to other instruments.

What are the charges associated with ELSS?

ELSS funds incur expense ratios and may have entry/exit loads. Carefully compare these charges before investing to choose funds with competitive fee structures.

ELSS – A Smart Choice for Tax-Saving and Growth

ELSS has tax benefits, high returns and long term wealth creation. With proper planning, right funds and long term investment horizon ELSS can be a great tool to achieve your financial goals.

Remember, knowledge is power. Educate yourself and make informed decisions and unlock ELSS and navigate to a financially free life.

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